Romanian Grape Varieties
grape varieties
From ancient times till present, discover the grape varieties that will delight your senses.
We will create the entire journey around your requirements.
Fetească Neagră (Black Maiden)
Fetească Neagră (Black Maiden) Black Maiden is considered to be the Romanian signature grape variety and in its best years ...
Fetească Regală (Royal Maiden)
Fetească Regală (Royal Maiden) Royal Maiden is a relatively new variety of grape, obtained from crossing White Maiden with Grasă ...
Fetească Albă (White Maiden)
Fetească Albă (White Maiden) The origin of the White Maiden grape variety is uncertain – unanimously recognized as an old ...
Băbească Neagră
Băbească Neagră Băbească Neagră is an old Romanian grape variety, attested to directly descend from the wild grapevine Vitis vinifera ...
Grasă de Cotnari
Grasă de Cotnari Recognized as the brand grape variety of Cotnari wineyard, in Moldova, Grasă has a secular tradition that ...